Housing Element – Annual Progress Report (APR) 2023

Each city and county in California are required to prepare an APR on the jurisdiction’s progress in implementing its Housing Element (Government Code Section 65400). The Housing Element APR fulfills statutory requirements to report certain housing information, including: the local agency’s progress in meeting its share of regional housing needs (i.e., applications, entitlements, permits and certificates of occupancy), certain rezoning activities, actions taken towards completion of housing element programs, and local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the development of housing.

The APR also highlights ongoing efforts that will be presented to the Board of Supervisors this year. Ongoing efforts include:

  • Leap Grant Progress Update: The grant funds have been dedicated to analyzing development potential, including infrastructure support, to bolster housing development opportunities in Bloomington. The infrastructure study is expected to be completed by Fall 2024.
  • Program 4 Short-Term Rental (STR) Study: The study is currently undergoing finalization; we anticipate presenting its findings to the Board in late Spring 2024.
  • Development Code Amendments: The proposed Environmental Justice Focus Area amendments underwent review by the Planning Commission in May 2023 and are scheduled for consideration by the Board in Summer 2024.